Not everyone can (or wants to) speak English.
We often take it for granted that much of the world speaks English – if not as their native tongue, but as a second language.
However, not every does. Nor to a high standard.
And just because they can speak English, it doesn’t mean that they wouldn’t prefer to receive information in their own language.
According to a poll conducted by the Common Sense Advisory, 72.1 % of customers prefer to use websites in their native tongue, with 56.2% of shoppers valuing accessibility to information in the language of their choice – even above price!
So really, if you want to expand, translating your content is a no-brainer.
Same message, different language.
As part of a network of professional translators, I can help you to get your message across in 6 languages (others available on request):
- Spanish
- German
- French
- Italian
- Arabic
- Russian

Reach markets that were previously inaccessible.
Gain an edge over your competitors by immediately multiplying your potential client reach.
Opening up your business to the Hispanic, Francophone or Arab worlds can give you access to millions more potential customers for a relatively small outlay.
Are you ready to take that leap?